Our favorites

Here is a small sampling of our favorites


Abbaye de Boquen

The place is protected from view, almost hidden in a deep forest. Once found, the reward lies first of all in the stillness and serenity of its silence; then in the beauty of its architectural lines.
The testimony of one of the last Breton Cistercian monasteries of the 12th century.


We love to bask on the terrace of its cafes or restaurants on the main square to soak up the atmosphere of this pretty town full of character.
It has everything to please, its architecture, its history displayed in comic strip panels and its lake with many promises of activities.https://www.tourismebretagne.com/destinations/les-10-destinations/baie-de-saint-brieuc-paimpol-les-caps/jugon-les-lacs/


A small flowery town where it is good to stroll around.
In no time, just walking quietly through its narrow, cobbled streets, you can easily imagine yourself in the Middle Ages. Rather a funny feeling.
Very lively with its street shows, souvenir shops and typical restaurants, you don’t know where to look at

Plémet - Le Pas

An extraordinary achievement. A museum that traces the habitat and life of yesteryear and especially a mill … now ready to make flour “using its wings if it’s windy, or using an engine thermal unit from 1910 completely renovated. “
The detour via Plémet, the Pas is really worth it! https://www.cotesdarmor.com/fr/fiche/patrimoine-culturel/musee-au-pas-d-antan-plemet_TFOPCUBRE022V50GI0L/

The countryside in its splendor

A pair of sneakers, sunglasses, water, maybe an IGN map or a mobile phone and off we go.
You can admire the countryside in all its splendor!
We let ourselves be seduced by the diversity of its landscapes: colorful fields dressed to the nines, well-supplied groves, deep forests, rivers winding the bottom of the valleys between calm and chaos.
We let ourselves be surprised by little gems: here an old chapel which seems abandoned but which is not, there a superb well, over there an old building which shouts its history.
We let ourselves be captivated by incongruous encounters, a surprised and frightened fox, a doe which royally crosses its territory, small yellow butterflies which come to greet the stroller.
The pleasure is at the rendezvous: the eye never ceases to be satiated, the foot is lightened because the ground is easy, a melodious silence delights the hearing …
Cows and horses, curious and enthusiastic, run from the end of their field to warmly welcome the walker.
The walker feels revered

A little touch of fancy


Merlin the magician and the fairy Morgane are waiting for us!!
Ideal for letting your imagination run wild!

Margot fairies have fun

A little tour on Mont Croquelien 
It is the playground of the Margot fairies. Warning! they are mischievous and do not like the undue curiosity of humans…

And also ...

Les forges des Salles

The harmony of a steel village from the 1800s; the industrial had given an important place to the social life of his workers.
Nestled in a large forest not far from the Lake of Guerlédan, we discover housing, a school, a canteen, an infirmary. A whole lifestyle.

Le sentier des douaniers

GR 34
The jagged and colorful coasts, the diverse and lush vegetation make this excursion on the coastal path an unforgettable moment by its beauty.
We never tire!

Between North and South

Dinan the medieval

A little gem on the banks of the Rance

Josselin and its castle

Beautiful example of feudal and renaissance architecture

La côte d'émeraude

Erquy, the magnificent

Beauty in all its glory.

Le cap Fréhel and Fort Lalatte

Pink and blue at the end of the bay of Saint-Brieuc

Dinard, the elegant

The eye does not tire for a single moment. The lush and exotic vegetation, its magnificent villas, and the sea, always the sea!